Home of Cowabunga
Weekly Zoom Meeting
Kathi Baldwin
DEC. 02, 2020
Rotary members, Glenn, Kathi, Carol Kennedy, Ron & Sue White, Dottie Rogers & Jim Cole handed out popcorn at the Placentia Library end of the year celebration. This community event hosted by the Placentia Library District is the climax of their summer reading program. The fun activities throughout the summer are designed to engage the whole family and help motivate youngsters to read. It is a great program and the Rotary Club of Placentia has helped with it for many years.
Rotary Club of Placentia
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Weekly Zoom Meeting
Members in attendance: Roy, Ward, Ron, Hugh, Kathi, Glenn, Alice, Michelle, Jim, Turgut, Lisa, Craig, Kevin.
Pledge was led by Ward
Inspirational Moment was offered by Michelle
4 Way-Test was led by Craig
Kathi provided an update from the Placentia Chamber of Commerce
Ward provided a city update: Thursday, December 3 will be the Winter Wonderland @ city hall from 4:30-9:30, this will b a drive-thru event. Saturday , December 12, the movie “Elf” will be shown at the parking lot @ city hall @ 7:30 PM. The food distribution for the Whitten Community Center will be Wednesday, December 16 from 4-7:30 PM. Toys for Tots will be held from December 3-15 @ Placentia Police Department, the 2 fire stations & The Navigation Center. New, unwrapped toys please. Ward was participating in the interview process for numerous city commissions on Tuesday, December 1 & was very pleased @ the number of applicants.
Is the club interested in collecting food for the families during the holidays again? Turgut, Michelle, Glenn, Kathi, Lisa, Hugh, Alice all expressed interest in donating food again. Ward suggested we also consider LOT 318 for donations. Please contact Kathi if you're interested and she'll add your name to the pick up list.
Rotary District 5320 is offering a holiday get together, “Cookies and Cocktails” on Tuesday, December 15 from 6-7 PM. Sign up on DacDb.
Lisa announced the club holiday get together @ Tlaquepaque on Saturday, December 12 from 1-2 PM. We will be collecting Toys for Placentia Community Services for this holiday celebration. Roy offered to open the restrooms @ his office for our convenience.
For the First time-Michelle Cummings as Fine Master!
Starting off with late fines of $2 for Craig, Lisa and Kevin.
Glenn had such a good time on his trip with Meredith to Quincy, Illinois, he contributed 10 cents a mile or $160.00 to the capital campaign. Ward had $25 to contribute to the capital campaign for his trip to Arizona. Happy Bucks-Ward had $!0 for his time as mayor comes to a close, Turgut had $10 for the same reason, Kathi had $10 for a different Thanksgiving, Jim had $5 for Facebook Giving Tuesday, Jim had $5 (Sad Bucks too) for Dottie Rogers having COVID in September and recovering from it, Lisa had $5 for Thanksgiving, Ron had $10 for Thanksgiving, Michelle fined herself $5 for not knowing the difference between Ron and Roy, Alice had $10 for a family zoom call & a vegetarian Thanksgiving with her sister in Torrance, Turgut had $5 SB for sister-in-law testing positive for COVID & a friend in Turkey also testing positive.
Elizabeth is currently in the hospital & is hoping to be released soon.
Contacting Mr. Yoder for the EDHS choir performance has proved challenging, a suggestion was made to purchase tickets to “Tinsel “ in support of the students and possibly arranging for a viewing on December 16.
Ward asked re: meetings on December 23 & 30? Kathi will poll the club members on their intentions.
Jim mentioned the end of the year donations to Rotary can be billed to your account & sooner rather than later.
Ward asked Craig if Carrie what Carrie needs for H I S House. Carrie will poll the staff & contact us.
Assignments for Wednesday , December 9:
Pledge: Kathi
4 Way-Test: Jim
Inspirational Moment : ?
No program-election