Home of Cowabunga
Venture Academy Maximizes Students' Potential
Craig Hall
OCT. 13, 2021
Bill Greenfield Director of the of PYLUSD Venture Academy Adult Transition Program. Bill is a former Rotarian and Paul Harris Fellow from South OC. Venture Academy encourages students to be as independent as possible in the community. The level of support each student receives is based on individual needs. Venture students are adults, but we encourage parent involvement in helping them complete their education.
Rotary Club of Placentia
Club Meeting
October 13, 2021
In attendance for the weekly meeting at Alta Vista CC of Placentia; Elizabeth, Jim, Ward, Kevin, Roy, Nate, Alex, Ron, Paul, Dottie, Patti, Alice, Hugh, Glenn, Kathi, TC, Maverick, Hugh, Art, Craig
ZOOM Lisa, Cristihan, Elizabeth
We kicked things off at 7am with the pledge from Kevin and words of inspiration from Roy.
Guests this week included Our Speaker Bill Greenfield, Capt Butts, and Senior Management Analyst Julie Kennicutt
City report form Ward included these tidbits
Community Service working on FALL EVENTS
Heritage Days was a success even though numbers were down
Meet with the So Cal Assoc of Gov.
Need to add 4300 additional affordable housing Units in Placentia
Metro Link station is moving forward, waiting on BSF
Paving continues around city
Mobility Hub coming soon
Chamber report from Kathi included
Chamber is Dark this week after Heritage Days
There is an anniversary reception RSVP only, Kathi will be attending representing many entities including Rotary, more to come
Kathi thanked TC Maria and Craig for all of their hard work at Heritage days setting up the booths and making the arrangements.
Ward Kathi Glenn and Maverick all attended the online leadership forum last week
Cisca has now raised $55,246 with the toffee raffle
World Polio day 10/24
Jim reported the interactors raised $336.50 for World Polio day at Heritage Days.
Nov 20th we will work on a homeless project with United Way creating Welcome Home Baskets. Lists of needed contents are available. Club will build 2-3 baskets
Next Tuesday Night training for Homeless 101 virtually available through district
RYLA will be in person this year and applications open in Jan 2022
YL Sunrise has a free Farmers market at local elementary schools and would like our help in distribution of food. At Topaz and Melrose schools 1-3:30 on select dates
TC thanks all for helping at pancake breakfast and he is buying shelves for the storage unit
Ward introduced our Guests Capt Butts and Analyst Kennicutt to present the new Police Breast Cancer Awareness Patch. On sale now for $10 each available at City Hall through October.
Year 5 of pink patch program
Kathi then presented Capt Butts with a $500 check to produce the patches. All proceeds got to the Susan G Komen Cancer Research Fund.
Fine Master Roy
$5 Paul Bday
$10 Craig club anniversary
$1 guest Bill for being here today
$1 Roy for the fun and success of Heritage Days
$2 Kathi echoing Roy’s sentiments
$5 Jim Naval Academy 175th anniversary
$2 Art Kids drove from Seattle SAFELY…
$1 Roy Holly is now home form visiting mother and luckily came home alone
$1 Craig for all the help at Heritage Days
Bill Greenfield of PYLUSD, Director of the Adult Transition Program. Bill is a former Rotarian and Paul Harris Fellow from South OC.
Adult Transition is for 18-22 year olds in the district who suffer form a learning disability
They teach life skills to Post Secondary Education including Community College, Vocational Schools and Job Skills
Teach students to be a part of the community and how to thrive in it
Partner with local business teaching job skills while providing free labor
Always looking for business to work with
Starting own business of a Coffee Cart. Looking for locations to serve
Ultimately looking for a partner in the community to act as a Service Partner, possibly Rotary
Thank You Bill!!!! If you are a business owner or know one who is need of labor look no further. Bill and his student can step in and assist while teaching valuable life skills. Contact Bill at
To close things out we have a RAFFLE winner Kathi!!!!!! Thanks to Paul, this week’s sponsor.
4 WAY TEST – Jim