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Stocking up for the Blessing Boxes
Kathi Baldwin
DEC. 09,2020
Placentia Rotarians getting ready to stock up Placentia’s five city blessing boxes. These boxes will be used to help those needing a little boost to their holiday food supplies and beyond. You can help this support go even farther by donating $10, $20, or any amount to our online Givsum parter.
Rotary Club of Placentia
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Members in attendance: Ron, Ward, Roy, Nate, Hugh, Glenn, Kathi, Michelle, Jim, Alice, Craig, Lisa, Turgut, Kevin.
Kathi provided an update on the chamber, activities seem to have slowed down due to the holidays.
Ward announced the movie for Saturday , December 12 will be “Elf”. The movie will be shown in the parking lot of the civic center @ 7:30 PM. The spaces are reserved. The city hall is closed from December 18-January 4. There will be a shred day in the parking lot of the civic center on January 30, 2021. Eating in local restaurants has been reduced to takeout & delivery at this time.
Lisa announced the cancellation of the club holiday get together @ Tlaquepaque, originally scheduled for Saturday, December 12. Hopefully we will be able to reschedule this for early next year.
Fine Master Michelle was in fine form! She fined herself, Hugh & Craig $1 for not wearing any Rotary insignia. Happy bucks-Craig had $5 for Marina turning 19, Hugh had $5 for all the good work everyone is doing, Jim had $5 for the completion of the project for the veterans, Kathi had $5 for grandson Marshall’s 4th birthday, Michelle had $5 just because, Sad Bucks-Craig and $1 for his son being deployed indefinitely in Kuwait.
Jim announced the welcome kits for the veterans are almost completed. The Veterans Village is almost full to capacity. Thursday, December 10 @ 9:00 AM, Jim & Ward will be shopping @ Sam’s Club for staples for the Blessing Boxes. Michelle shared a great story of a customer in the credit union, being a recent resident of Veterans Village. She shared with him, the efforts of the Rotary Club of Placentia, on behalf of the residents. She has definitely made a new friend!
Turgut shared the Water Project, which was a program a few weeks ago from the Rotary Club of Long Beach, is asking for the contributions from the club. Alice, Ron, Turgut, Glenn, Kathi are contributing & Jim will send a check from the club. We are hoping to reach $1,000.00. Contact Jim if you're interested in being a part of this project.
Carrie Buck is searching for a room to rent for a 19 year old female college student. Currently she is staying in a motel & funds for her stay would be appreciated. She is also looking for rooms for seniors. The project is Home Share O C.
The election for 2021-2022 was held for president-elect , president-elect-nominee, four board members, Treasurer, Secretary.
Kathi Baldwin President-Elect 2021-2022
Alice Shiozawa President-Elect nominee 2022-2023
Jim Paddock Treasurer
Craig Hall Secretary
Board Members for 2021-2024
Glenn Baldwin
Robert Gabler
Nel Mora
Board Member for 2022-2-2024
Michelle Cummings
She will be completing the term as Craig Hall becomes Secretary
Kevin Padilla Foundation Chair
Turgut Cakiraga International Project Chair
Alice Shiozawa Membership Chair
Ward Smith Community Service Project Chair
Andrea Mosqueda Youth (Interact ) Chair
Steve Brown Sergeant-at-arms
Nate Forrest Fine Master Chair
There are still several positions available for leadership in the club.
Contact Kathi to discuss your role in the club. Mentoring is available!
Since there wasn't a quorum , Kathi will be contacting the club members not in attendance for their votes.
The Club Meeting on Wednesday , December 16 will be a performance by the El Dorado High School Choir! Please plan to attend.
All of the weekly assignments will be filled by Craig this week.
Birthdays & Anniversaries for December
Steve Brown Birthday 1
Alex Muolo Spouse B’day Jasmine 2
Andrea Mosqueda birthday 7
Kevin Padilla birthday 23
Lorraine Padilla Spouse B’day Kevin 23
Alex Muolo birthday 26
Steve Brown Spouse B’day Margie 28
Turgut Cakiraga Spouse B’day Maria 30