Home of Cowabunga
Runnin Down a Dream
Craig Hall
FEB. 23, 2022
Art shared his national three month road trip in a rented Class B RV. He and Lordes planned this very ambitious tour with scheduled stops at National and State parks throughout the country to coincide with visits with friends and family all over the country. What an amazing trip.
Rotary Club of Placentia
Weekly Meeting
February 23, 2022
In attendance for the weekly meting at Alta Vista Country Club were: Kathi, TC, Maverick, Glenn, Jim, Art, Paul, Elizabeth, and Poly. Via Zoom: Craig and Lisa.
Guest: Art's wife Lordes and Elizabeth's nephew
We kicked things off at 7:00 am with the pledge and inspirational moment by TC
Chamber News: Kathi
Wine Down Wednesday at Mr D's 5-7
Power Networking Friday at Rembrant's Kitchen & Bar 11 am
Club News
District Assembly April 2. Training sessions at Chapman University for new members and new officers
District Convention May 14. One day only. There will be three speakers and a hands on project.
Our fruit harvest last Saturday was “fruitful” . Thank you to all that attended. TC, William, Paul, Alice.
Lisa announced that Cowabunga will be Saturday, September 17 and the planning has begun. The next meeting will be Tuesday march 16th at Lisa's home.
TC thanked everyone for the cards and condolences. He is celebrating successful eye surgery.