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Rotary Harvests and Distributes Unwanted Fruit

Kathi Baldwin
JAN. 27,2021
Many yards in our community have fruit trees the owners are unable to harvest. This fruit would go to waste rotting in the trees or on the ground and attract vermin. The Rotary Club of Placentia harvests the fruit and donates it to Mary's Kitchen, The Navigation Center and various other food banks. Volunteer opportunities for this project are weekly through March. Each session is two to three hours relieves a home owner and provides food for someone in need. Contact us if you would like to help.
Rotary Club of Placentia
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Club Assembly
Members in attendance: Ward, Kathi, Roy, Alice, Ron, Craig, Nate, Jim, Lisa, Glenn, Kevin, Elizabeth.
Pledge: Glenn, Inspirational Moment: Alice, 4 Way-Test: Kathi
Ward-City update: Let the groundbreaking begin! AUDI of Placentia broke ground over the weekend, city parks are ready for their makeover, the famous Placentia landmark, the Dolphin Fountain might make a comeback. Ward will keep us posted.
Jim-a request for harvesting this weekend has been received-who’s available on Saturday?
Glenn, Craig, Alice-Jim will be in touch with the addresses.
Ron will be providing recyclables pick up for Lisa and Elizabeth.
In his final week as Fine Master-Nate Forrest !
The first order of business is a solicitation for the position of “February Fine Master!”
Craig stepped up to the plate! Thanks Craig!
Trivia-what happened on this day in 1945-the liberation of Auschwitz $2 fine for everyone for not knowing. What happened on this day in 1967-Apollo I disaster $2 fine for everyone. What happened on this day in 1973-cease fine in Viet Nam $2 fine for everyone. What happened on this day in 1984-Michael Jackson's hair caught fire $2 fine for everyone.
Happy Bucks: Alice $5 for the rain, Ron $5 for the same, Craig $5 for ordering new checks, $10 from Glenn-he can see the coast, Lisa $5 for donation from chamber member for scholarships, Ward $5 for the same, $5 from Kathi for the curfew/ban being lifted, $5 from Ward for the ban being lifted on outdoor dining-the merchants are happy, $5 from Jim-his grandson has been in discussions with the football coach from Alabama-he will try out for the team, $5 from Nate-won a corn hole competition. He just joined the league and is already the champion!
Club Assembly-
Possible fundraising events-large vehicles for climbing, comedy night w/Craig, car show on Santa Fe, adjacent to outdoor dining.
A redo on the flyer for harvesting by the club. The possible locations for future donations: Veterans Village, H I S House, Navigation Center, Mary’s Kitchen, Bridges.
We have made the first hurdle towards the state grant for which Jim applied on behalf of the club.
Lisa and Craig are planning to attend the upcoming Leadership Institute to be held in February and March.
Lisa has prepared a script for soliciting the chamber members. Please contact Lisa if you would be willing to be a part of the team making phone calls.
Jim is checking the finances for the cub’s annual contribution to the REACH Foundation of $750.
Since we were unable to offer the dental clinic in 2020, a reimbursement of the funds is currently being sought by President Ward. There is a possibility of rescheduling it for 2021.
The community Blessing Boxes seem to be attracting more than edible donations, especially @ the Whitten Center. Ward reported there are numerous items such as clothes, toys, graffiti and just basic junk.
Elizabeth offered Rotary thank you notes for the club’s use.
Nate spoke with Laura Kraft from H. I. S. House-they are still looking for homes for a 30 year old male and a 20 year old female. He was happy to report on the success of the most recent match of the 20 year old female with his client, it’s been a God’s Send for her.
Jim announced there are still 50 pillows to distribute.
The speaker for February 3, 2021 is author, David Putnam. He was featured at the Placentia Library's Authors Luncheon.
Assignments for Wednesday, February 3, 2021
Pledge: Jim
4 Way-Test: Alice
Inspirational Moment: Craig