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Placentia Interact Donates to Polio Plus

Craig Hall

OCT. 20, 2021

Interact President Ethan Ly presented a check for $336.50 to Polio Plus. The Interactors raised the funds through donations at the recent Heritage Day Festival. This money will used to help eradicate the last vestiges of Polio world wide.

Rotary Club of Placentia
Club Meeting
October 20, 2021
In attendance for the weekly meeting at Alta Vista CC of Placentia; Ron, Joanne, Craig, Kathi, Glenn, Maverick, Hugh, Jim, TC, Dottie, ELizabeth, Alice, Kevin, Roy, Nate, Ward
ZOOM Lisa, Cristihan
We kicked things off at 7:04am with the pledge from Ron and words of inspiration from Ward.
Guests this week included Tatsu and Jim of Tokyo Automotive
City report form Ward included these tidbits
Council Meeting last night
Organic Waste bins coming for home use
Housing developments needed in Placentia to meet goal 4374
Possible rezoning if goal not met
Thanks to Maverick for attending meeting
Monster Mash will be at Civic Center Friday 29th 5:30-8:30
Chamber report from Kathi included
Lunch Mob this week Capetelli’s Cookies 11:30-1 today
Power Network at Rems Friday Trina Martin of Martin Financial will speak
Set up for Monster Mash will be 2-4
Diamond Bar Girls Club will donate candy, Thanks to Lisa
World Polio Day is Sunday. Interactors raised $336.50 at Heritage days for this
We have assembled the welcome home baskets for our homeless project next month.
Anaheim club has requested assistance with their project / future partners on future events possible
Nate- attended the 2 hour seminar HOMELESS 101 presented buy the United Way.
Fine Master Roy
$5 Joanne for Library Board meeting in person
$5 Ward for Maverick attending the council meeting
$5 Jim Anaheim Ducks are back
$5 Alice got her booster shot for COVID
$5 Tatsu for his bike club for Veterans
$5 TC for city resolution recognizing Turkey
$2 for the support of the club
Our very own Kevin!!!! A past president, assistant district Gov. as well as Dist Gov. He has a lot insight and today gave us a recap of the foundation and where the funds go.
Foundation started in 1917
501c3 with a 16 member board
Funds go to 3 areas Polio Plus, Global Grants, Educational Programs
1,175,000 members worldwide
34 zones covering 936 clubs
Total dollar amount given last year $240 million
3 funds Annual Endowment & Polio Plus
Half of all donations come back to district as grants
Interest also comes back to district from endowment funds
Only 2 cases of Polio in the world in 2021
.92 of every dollar goes to project
This club has donated $300,000+ in 30 years

Great Job Kevin and thank you. Keep it up everyone!!!

To close things out we have a RAFFLE winner Dottie!!!!!! Thanks to Debye, this week’s sponsor.
4 WAY TEST – Ron

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P.O. Box 1331
Placentia CA 92871 USA
T: +1 (714) 875-5975
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Meeting Information

Meeting Day: 1st, 2nd, 4th, & 5th Wednesday 7:00am

 Denny's 17568 Yorba Linda Blvd, Yorba Linda, CA 92886

+1 (714) 941-9999

We also meet 6PM the third Wednesday of each month. See our calendar for details.

© 2023 by Rotary Club of Placentia

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