Home of Cowabunga
Mother Teresa's Do it Anyway
Craig Hall
JULY 7, 2021
Inspiring thoughts by Mother Teresa. Cisca Stellhorn, our District Governor for 2021-2022 has tasked each club to nominate an inspirational Rotarian to have at each meeting a meaningful inspiration to begin our assembly.
Rotary Club of Placentia
July 7, 2021
Meeting called to order by President Baldwin 7:04am
In attendance
Members: Michele, Kevin, Ward, Alex, Patty, Dotty, Jim, Debi, Lisa, Paul, Patty, Craig, Elizabeth, Glenn, Kathi, Roy
Guests: Bob Payne
Pledge Lisa
Inspiration TC
Guest introductions by Alice - New member Debi and her husband Bob
Reopening of Senior Center at 9 am
From 11:30-1 Rotary will serve lunch
1pm press conference with State and Cal Trans in regard to maintain the embankment at Crowther on 57 freeway.
A serious of arsons have occurred in Placentia, 1 arrest has been made.
Chamber Update Kathi
Today Lunch Mob at Big Eye Poke at 11:30-1
Thurs 5-7 Ice Cream Social at Rich Farms
Friday networking event at Rembrandts Speaker will discuss anti-aging
Sunday E Waste recycling at City Center, benefits PYLUSD
Other Announcements
Next week is the monthly evening meeting at Craftsman
This evening will be a BOD metting at Kathi’s home 6:30pm
New Member Induction
Alice welcomed Debi to the club as our newest member with her sponsor Kathi and husband Bob.
Fine Master Craig
$2 from Alex for his BDay
Glenn went to Catalina for the 4th. $20
Paul went to Yorba Linda $20
Ward 24-hour trip to Santa Barbra $10
Debi celebrated friend anniversary of 1 year going to 5 points concert $10
Andrea $10 for her engagement
$1 fine to all not volunteering for senior cook out Dotty, Alice, Michele, Patty, Jim, Alex, Andrea, Paul, Kevin, Lisa, Elizabeth, Roy
Happy bucks
$5 to Debi Paul Harris
$10 for being back in person
$5 for trip to Washington
$5 Michele for New Member
$5 Kathi for new member
$20 Dotty for Police Academy graduation
$1 Patty for seeing everyone today
Sad Bucks
$5 Paul for death of a very close friend Helen
Andrea presented on Cowabunga updates for the event in September
Branding for the event discussed
Losing the surfing theme and move to Cookout theme
Simple and to the point without clouding purpose with too many logos.
How prominent should Rotary be on poster? Compare to YL Lobsterfest.
Club unanimously voted on option Cowabunga Community Cookout
New mockup created with Grill as main image
Color scheme stays the same
The Rotary logo on the grill is well received
Debi and her husband Bill will work on poster design
Date has been chosen Sept 18th and we are working with city to approve
Committees are forming for Cowabunga
Raffle winning number drawn by Debi. Craig was winner. Raised $78
4 Way Test TC:
Meeting adjourned 8:06am