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Lost Boys of Sudan – The First Few Days in America

Kathi Baldwin

FEB. 10, 2021

The Lost Boys of Sudan was the name given to a group of over 20,000 boys of the Nuer and Dinka ethnic groups. These boys were displaced or orphaned during the Second Sudanese Civil War (1987–2005) in which about 2 million were killed and others were severely affected.

Judith A. Bernstein is an American author. She is known for co-authoring the book, They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky: The True Story of Three Lost Boys of Sudan, 2005, with Sudanese brothers Alephonsion Deng and Benson Deng, and their cousin Benjamin Ajak.

Rotary Club of Placentia
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
President Ward Smith

Meeting was called to order by President Ward
Attendance: Ward, Roy, Kathi, Craig, Turgut, Alice, Ron, Lisa, Glenn, Nate, Kevin, Hugh, Gil. Guest/Speaker-Judy Bernstein.
Weekly Assignments: Pledge-Glenn, 4 Way-Test-Kathi, Inspirational Moment-Craig
Leadership Forum-Monday , February 8, 2021-Ward, Kathi, Glenn
Turgut was happy to announce Maria’s last chemotherapy is on Monday, February 15! Definitely worth celebrating!

Announcements-Ward announced 2 groundbreakings-AUDI on Yorba Linda Blvd. and JPI Project on Crowther Ave. There will be a county “pop-up” site in Placentia for the COVID vaccine for seniors. We will receive a 2 week notice when it's our turn. It might possibly be held at the Whitten Community Center. On February 6, there was a harvesting held at the home of Al Shkoler. Lemons and oranges were donated to the Navigation Center. Rotary Club of Placentia members participating in the recent harvesting: Glenn, Ward, Alice, Craig and Jim.

Fine Master-Craig Hall. Who was late today? Gil & Kevin $1 fine
All members were fined $1 for not knowing who the 1st President of the 1st Rotary Club in Chicago & it was NOT Paul Harris. It was Silvester Schiele.

Club member, Gil Cisneros is having a big birthday on February 12-the big 50! He and Jacki have no big plans, which is understandable, so instead they are generously donating $5,000.00 to the club scholarship fund! WOW!!! This generous donation inspired Turgut, Glenn, Kathi, Hugh and our guest Judy, to each contribute $100.00 to the scholarship fund!
Ward had $50 happy bucks for Gil’s birthday, Lisa had $10 for Gil’s birthday and our guest speaker, Judy. Craig had $10 happy bucks when he proudly announced Carrie received the award for School Board Member of the Year from the California State Board of Education. Ron had $10 happy bucks for Carrie’s award,
Alice had $10 happy bucks for the Tuesday night Social @ Craftsman-Dottie was there and Paul stopped by for a few minutes. There were no Sad Bucks.

Lisa proudly introduced our speaker, Judy Bernstein . Judy was the featured author for the Placentia Library's Annual Luncheon held on the first Saturday in March. Judy’s books are, “They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky” and “Disturbed in Our Nets”. Both powerful books on the Lost Boys of Sudan. She told a very person story of how she met some of these boys and the path her life took after meeting them. She shared their trials in coming to the United States of America and how incredibly different it was from their lives in the Kakuma in Kenya. She was able to share with us how the boys have adapted to their new life here in the USA.

Speaker for Wednesday , February 17 is Richard Ford, a member of the Rotary Club of San Clemente Sunrise and a member of the RYLA Committee for 2021.

Assignments for Wednesday, February 17-Pledge-Jim, 4 Way-Test-Glenn, Inspirational Moment-Craig
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Kathi Club Anniversary February 2
Alex Club Anniversary February 8
Gil Cisneros Birthday February 12
Robert Wedding Anniversary February 18

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Contact Information

P.O. Box 1331
Placentia CA 92871 USA
T: +1 (714) 875-5975
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Meeting Information

Meeting Day: 1st, 2nd, 4th, & 5th Wednesday 7:00am

 Denny's 17568 Yorba Linda Blvd, Yorba Linda, CA 92886

+1 (714) 941-9999

We also meet 6PM the third Wednesday of each month. See our calendar for details.

© 2023 by Rotary Club of Placentia

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