Home of Cowabunga
Fiber, the Next Step in Connection
Craig Hall
FEB. 16, 2022
Geoff Spickler of FIBERCITY OPTIC NETWORK Shares the next step in connecting Placentia to the internet via fiber optic cable
Rotary Club of Placentia
Weekly Meeting
February 16, 2022
In attendance for the weekly meeting at Alta Vista CC of Maverick, Glenn, Kathi, Elizabeth Alice
Jo-Anne, Dottie, Paul, Craig, Polly, Debye, Ron, Roy, Nate, Jim, Kevin,
Via ZOOM: Art, Lisa
Guests: Our speaker Geoff from Fiber Optics
We kicked things off at 7:00 am with the pledge from Jim and words of inspiration from Nate.
Lots going on with City
New cover going up between City Hall and Library
Council Meeting last night on annexation of traffic island. Frank Kim from County there. The council voted 3-2 to move forward. Ward will bring in plan and do presentation to Rotary.
Special Council session on redistricting tonight
Close on completion of Cook Park
Love Placentia may be on April 23rd still confirming with other communities
Point in Time Count still being solidified, call today to get details
Brunch Mob today at Original Pancake House 11:30
Mr. D's next Wednesday Wine Down Wed.
Power network next week at Rems 11:30
IHOP is closed, location changing to Loaded Cafe
Last Tuesday 26 people attended first Tue night meeting at Mr. D's. Still looking at locations for future meetings
Fruit harvesting this weekend at 9am need help. Contact Jim about getting involved will take 1 hour or so. The more help the less time
Got wish list from Veterans Village, have ordered, and delivered some of the supplies already. Mostly food and cleaning supplies
Club project this year is to refurbish flagpole at Bradford House. Need 2-3 people for a design committee. PAUL & POLLY have volunteered for committee
Working with Rep Kim's office to get a plan for a project to clean up Post Office grounds
Fine Master: Paul
$1 Debye Dog had to have blood transfusion now home
$5 Elizabeth attended Book dedication
$1 JoAnne got invited to go Wedding dress shopping with future daughter in law
$5 Jim for the RAMS!!!
$5 Jim Grandson and Maverick restarting Rotaract at Chapman University
$5 Paul daughter in law accepted to numerous grad schools
$1 for Maria’s mothers’ death
$3 Maverick Bengals lost
$1 Roy dancers on classic cars at Superbowl show a no no!!!
Paul gave a history of Valentines to everyone, thanks
Everyone is fined a $1
Program today Geoff Spickler of FIBERCITY OPTIC NETWORK
Building City Fiber Optic Network
o No portion of city is omitted
o All residence will have option of subscription to service
o Most services have 1 terabyte limit
o Ped-a-bit is 1000 terabytes
o The network is engineered for 10 gigs but can work beyond that for decades to
Will build out to new developments at no cost to property
No Data Caps No overage charges
Fiber is the Future
Started in SW corner of city now to City Hall fanning out to cover all of city
144 strands of fiber flow through micro duct which is being laid in street.
Lots of great info and technical talk. Exciting development for the community.
Fiber lines can be used in future by any company and hopefully we will not have to dig up streets again.
4 WAY TEST – Maverick