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Asking The Right Questions About Mental Illness

Kathi Baldwin
MAR. 17, 2021
Dave Jones, shared a very personal story about suicide and the effect it has on a family. During this pandemic, sadness, frustration, and fear have had a devastating effect on many families.
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Club Meeting
Pledge: Jim, 4 Way-Test: Kathi, Inspirational Moment: Craig
Members in attendance: Ward, Ron, Turgut, Elizabeth, Kathi, Craig, Nate, Alice, Jim, Glenn, Lisa, Hugh, Kevin.
Guest/Speaker: Dave Jones President Elect for Escondido After 5
“Asking the Right Questions About Mental Illness”
With a Sales Management career spanning 5 decades, Dave Jones normally speaks on Sales Psychology, but as a mental health advocate he is committed to reducing the stigma involved with Mental Illness. While the Pandemic has shown a new light on the importance of mental health, there remains a deficiency in understanding. He offers a unique perspective on depression and suicide and his compelling story may cause you to view mental illness differently.
Ward: Love Placentia organizer, Mandy Petikis has been in contact with Ward on a special project for us on April 27, bags for the homeless. We did a similar project a few years ago, similar to this one.
It's possible Orange County will be in the Orange Tier by April.
Fine Master Hugh Wood:
Hugh fined himself $1 for being late! Robert donated $50 for his birthday, Lisa is proudly celebrating her twentieth wedding anniversary by contributing $10 for each year, to The Rotary Foundation.
Its Saint Patrick’s Day and Turgut, Craig, Ward and Alice are not participating in the “wearing of the green," $5 fine for each. Nate was fined $5 for not knowing how many petals on a shamrock-it’s 3-$5 fine. Alice did not know what is on the label of Guinness Beer-$5 fine. Kevin had the correct answer of Toucan. Ron could not remember what Irish Eyes are doing in the song, “Irish Eyes are Smiling” $5 fine. Elizabeth knew the correct answer! Ward correctly answered with “Liam Neeson” as an Irish actor.
Happy Bucks-Wars had $5 for a recent tour of the new Springfield Suites on Placentia Avenue, Craig had $5 for he and Lisa attending their 2nd Leadership Institute Training, Lisa also had $5 for the training and learning of the Wino Fellowship and Book Club available through Rotary! Kathi had $25 for attending PETS. Elizabeth had $25 in honor of her father, who was born in Ireland.
No Sad bucks!
Our speaker, Dave Jones, shared a very personal story about suicide and the effect it has on a family. During this pandemic, sadness, frustration, and fear have had a devastating effect on many families. If someone talks about suicide but asks you to keep it a secret, as Annette Craig says, this is one secret you should never keep. It is a cry for help. With Hope, the Amber Craig Foundation is always ready to provide help and support.
Assignments for Wednesday, March 24, 2021
It’s the Craig Hall Show!
Pledge: Craig, 4 Way-Test: Craig, Inspirational Moment: Craig
Speaker: This is a Club Assembly and Assistant Governor Chad Zimmerman.