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A Final Thank You to All From Ward.

Craig Hall

JUNE 30, 2021

Pictured at Demotion Night Ward receives a memento from Turgut and Maria Cakiraga. Ward Smith dedicated his final meeting of his year to the hard work and dedication of our club members throughout his year. Please note: In the last news letter the editor mistakenly identified June 23 as the last meeting for Ward when in fact Ward’s last meeting was June 30, 2021.

Rotary Club of Placentia
June 30, 2021
Meeting called to order 7:00 am By President Ward Smith
The final meeting of the 2020-2021 calendar year
Pledge Ward
Inspiration Ward; from “Great Quotes form Great Leaders” quote from Confusious..
Lunch Mob Next Wednesday July 7th Big Eye Poke Next to Ralph’s on Alta Vista 11:30-1.
Ice Cream Social the 8th at Rich Farms Ice Cream
Networking Event at Rembrandt’s July 9th 11:30-1 at Rembrand’ts
Electronic Waste Recyling at Placentia Town Center July 9-10 Proceeds going to PYLUSD
1 year Anniversary of Veterans Village Thursday July 22 11-noon Plaque will be placed
Thanks to Jim for leading our involvement at Veterans Village
Felipe Zambrano now at Senior Services
Thursday July 8th 9-1 Placentia Senior Center welcome back. Rotary will be grilling Burgers and Hot Dogs need people to sign up to assist. MASK ARE REQUIRED AT THIS EVENT..
Movies and Concerts in the Park back this summer dates on City website
Fine Master Hugh his last week for this month
No Rotary SWAG Michele & Ward, $2
No one was late.... SURPRISE!
Happy Bucks
Elizabeth $15 for Everyone helping with estate sale.. Patty Glenn TC..
Freds Sanat gear is going to a good cause of new Santa’s
Ron will be on a Road Trip next week $10
Michele $10 Happy bucks for promotion night and a BIG THANK YOU...
Hugh $10 happy BUCKS He and Haye taking grand kids to Catalina Island next week
Ward $10 happy bucks for last weks Demotion and the perseverance of Rotary last year.
Kathi went to Fresno with Stephanie and family for being Ms. CA 20 years ago. $10 Happy $10 Sad because Glenn has to stay home and move the son...

Lisa has $10 Sad Bucks, one of Her driving students hit a parked car. It happens, in fact 12 times last year. (Not Lisa 12 times......)
Program WARD......
The year in review was a challenge but amazing. From gathering and delivering materials and assembling materials it was a great year.
Ward felt his year was truly “led by example” within the collaborations of the local Rotary Community at large.
The city too has stepped up to the plate and taken on the adversity of the year and shined.
Rotary continues to be recognized as vital partner of the city.
Looking ahead to Kathi’s year and the fun and exciting things that lay ahead.
We will continue to stay connected digitally even though we will be meeting in person.
Looking forward to meeting in person to kick off the new Rotary Year!
We are going to transition Gov. Cisca will be taking over and will be a great year.
Face Shields were a great idea thanks to TC and Jim. We will be arranging another pick up at Sam's club once we work out storage with Dan and district office.
Looking at continuing the special event outdoor movies while shortening the concert schedule
Events coming up for Rotary
Heritage Days, Tamale Fest, Christmas Tree Lighting
Hopes for Corazon next year as well as a Dental Clinic still.
Kathi makes announcement COWABUNGA will be Sept 18th. Robert and Alex will chair the event. Location will be Kramer Park
Ward suggest we should have a meeting to plot out exact involvement in all upcoming events.
Jim requests a work party for Saturday morning to move locker from Alta Vista to storage facility.
We will also make a Blessing Box delivery Saturday and maintenance.
A final thank you to all from Ward.

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Contact Information

P.O. Box 1331
Placentia CA 92871 USA
T: +1 (714) 875-5975
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Meeting Information

Meeting Day: 1st, 2nd, 4th, & 5th Wednesday 7:00am

 Denny's 17568 Yorba Linda Blvd, Yorba Linda, CA 92886

+1 (714) 941-9999

We also meet 6PM the third Wednesday of each month. See our calendar for details.

© 2023 by Rotary Club of Placentia

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