Home of Cowabunga
Club Assembly
Craig Hall
DEC. 01, 2021
Hugh chaired a discussion of club leadership roles for 2022/23. He asked that we think of stepping up as opportunities for greater service to both the club and the community.
Rotary Club of Placentia
Weekly Meeting
December 01, 2021
Attendees: Kathi, Glenn, Maverick, TC, Ron, Hugh, Dottie, Patti, Kevin, Jo-Anne, Alice, Roy, Alex, Nate,Michelle, and Jim with Elizabeth and Lisa via Zoom.
Guest: Tatsu Tsuchida of Tokyo Automotive
Upcoming Events:
The City’s Tree-Lighting ceremony will be on Thursday 12/2, at City Hall, 6-8 PM
Also on Thursday, the Placentia Chamber of Commerce is hosting its Holiday Mixer, from 5-7 pm at the Bradford House
The club is celebrating its 85th Anniversary on Tuesday 12/7! City Council will recognize us at its Council meeting that evening. Please try to attend.
The Tamale Fest is Thursday 12/9, and we will be working the beer bar AND hosting and helping Santa Ron. Santa Ron only asks for 2 dozen tamales in payment
Roy has an order sheet for Sees Candy, a fund-raiser for No Limits
Jim will be sending member donations to TRF (The Rotary Foundation) soon – be sure to let him know ASAP if you wish to add yours in this submittal
Our meeting of 12/15 will be our Holiday/Santa event, with El Dorado High School’s choir providing seasonal offerings. Santa will also visit us, so if your child or grandchild will be attending, you may bring a gift which Santa can give. Let Kathi know if you and/or your loved ones will be in attendance, so that Alta Vista CC can be prepared.
Also on 12/15, Whitten Center will distribute bags of food to families; children can participate in cookie-decorating! Club members can help by filling a “Reverse Advent” non-perishable food list. Lisa has volunteered to help coordinate this collection.
Tatsu announced that Tokyo Automotive and Veteran Air are together sponsoring a toy drive. They ask that any toy donation by dropped by either of their business locations by 12/20.
Our club Holiday potluck dinner party is on Friday 12/10, at the Woodfield community room. Lisa is coordinating this event; let her know if you (and partner) will be attending, and what dish you’ll be bringing.
Tonight will be our board meeting, 6:30 pm at Kathi’s. One of the main topics will be determining the date of our next Cowabunga, as corporate sponsorship letters should be sent soon; many businesses prepare their budgets at year-end or the start of the calendar year.
Alice announced that the comments to the proposal for the monthly Tuesday evening social meeting to replace the following morning’s breakfast meeting was overwhelmingly favorable. Beginning with February, we will no longer meet on the Wednesday following the second Tuesday of the month. Alice will look into potential venues.
Fines/Recognition: Kevin substituted for the cruising Ward…
Kathi revealed the Rotarian of the Month as Nate Forrest. Nate has voluntarily helped with the weekly room set-up, normally the responsibility of the sergeant-at-arms, but is a currently vacant position. Thank you, Nate!
No Anniversaries this week
Alex donated $20 towards his Paul Harris in recognition of Jasmine’s birthday, as well as his
plans to travel to Cabo, AND son Dominick liking football.
Alice was happy $20 for the Thanksgiving day spent with the Redmans, and for the weekend travel up to Paso Robles for the Sensorio light show and wine tasting.
Jo-Anne, TC, Kathi, Lisa, Michelle, Jim, Roy, and Tatsu were all thankful for gathering of friends and family, and thankful for the many other positives of the season. Hugh was especially happy to spend time with family -- $10 worth of happy.
Elizabeth appreciated Lisa’s stepping up to coordinate the 2 holiday events, and contributed $50 towards Lisa’s Paul Harris. Elizabeth also related the sad news of the loss of her scottie.
Hugh chaired a discussion of club leadership roles for 2022/23. He asked that we think of stepping up as opportunities for greater service to both the club and the community. Below is the proposed list of our board for 2022/23, positions both filled and open. If you have an interest (or a suggestion) in any position, please let Hugh, Kathi, or Alice know. Elections will be held during next week’s meeting.
President Alice
President-Elect (2023/24)
President-Elect Nominee (2024/25) Maverick
Treasurer Lisa
Sergeant-at-Arms Nate
1 Director (3-year term)
Foundation Chair Kevin
Program Chair Hugh
Membership Chair
International Chair TC
Opportunity Drawing: Sponsored by Alice
Glenn was the lucky winner this week!